St. Peter's Basilica in Rome has been an inspiration for churches all around the world. We've made a top-5 of the churches that are copies or inspired by St. Peters Basilica. Most of them are in places you don't expect them to be.
The papal seat in Rome in Vatican city. The St. Peter's isn't the original archbasilica of the pope, that used to be Saint John Lateran. St. Peter's Basilica is well know for its impressive front with lots of statues and columns and the amazing gallery surrounding the St. Peter square and ofcourse the dome on top of the church. The crypt underneath the Basilica houses the graves of deceased popes. Inside the canopy of Bernini is the biggest eye-catcher.
It's almost surreal, this church, also a basilica in the capital of Ivory Coast isn't an exact copy as you can clearly see, but it's definitely based on St. Peter's Basilica. When completed it became the largest church in the world. Just a year after completion it was consecrated in 1990.
As you may have noticed the dome is quite large. It measures a staggering 90 meters in diameter. The St. Peter's dome "only" measures 42,6 meters.
Probably the most correct copy of St. Peter's Basilica can be found in Canada, Montreal. Where other copies of St. Peters Basilica copied one or more parts of the Basilica, Mary, Queen of the world has a quite accurate front, dome and interior.
This Basilica, just like the one in Oudenbosch is built during the war between Italy and the Papal state. From Canada, more than 500 Zouaves traveled to Rome to defend the Papal state. Just like in Oudenbosch, the Zouaves are honoured with a statue and a plaque.
The Basilica of the crowned mother of good advice is called the "little St. Peter's Basilica" for good reason in Italy. The resemblance is amazing. Although it's a fair share smaller, it's definitely worth the visit.
The Oudenbosch Basilica has great interior resemblance with it's inspiration the St. Peter's Basilica. From the sacramental altar and canopy to the nave and dome, the details are amazing, thanks to architect Pierre Cuypers who designed the Oudenbosch Basilica and the craftsmen who were responsible for decoration.
Visit the Basilica of the Holy Agatha and Barbara in Oudenbosch, one of the most beautiful churches in the Netherlands.
De Basiliek is 2 maart t/m 4 maart gesloten!
Monday to saturday
10:00 – 16:30 uur*
10:00 – 16:30 uur*
11:00 Eucharistic Celebration
* Van 1 oktober tot 1 april sluit de Basiliek om 16:00 uur.
De winkel in de crypte is iedere dag geopend tussen 13:00 – 16:00 uur.
Basiliek H.H. Agatha en Barbara
Markt 57
4731 HN, Oudenbosch
Op dit moment wordt er hard gewerkt aan het Basiliekplein, maar u kunt de Basiliek gewoon bezoeken!
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