Foundation Promotion Oudenbosch Basilica
Stichting Promotie Basiliek ( Foundation for Promotion of the Oudenbosch Basilica) is founded to get the world acquainted with the Oudenbosch Basilica. It's not common for a church to be visited by over 70.000 people every year. It helps preserving the church for the future.
The Oudenbosch Basilica is a unique piece of history with an amazing story. This story needs to be preserved and told to future generations. Without a story, history has nog context and a place will lose its identity.
Promoting and telling the story of the Oudenbosch Basilica is the responsibility of the Foundation Promotion Basilica Oudenbosch. By giving guided tours, hosting expositions and selling souvenirs and devotional items the Foundation directly funds the Foundation Preservation Basilica Oudenbosch.
Chairman: mr. W. Tilleman
Secretary: mr. J. Bedaf
Portefeuille winkel: mevrouw Toos de Veth – Aarts
Vice Chairmain: Vacancy
Religious advisor: Reverend Pastor M. Prasing.